Fallen Soldier: John W. Maloney

John W. Maloney
Dates: Died June 16, 2005
Hometown: Chicopee, MA
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: Captain
Player: Sabrina Iqbal

Captain Maloney, 36, of Chicopee, Mass. was killed June 16, 2005, when his Humvee was destroyed by a “massive bomb” as he led his infantrymen out of an ambush in a small town south of Ramadi, Iraq, for which he was awarded the Leftwich Trophy for Outstanding Leadership, the first time the award was given to one who died in combat.

They were returning from a patrol when the insurgents struck. Maloney positioned his Humvee across the road to block the attack and directed the response. His efforts allowed 150 marines behind him to survive the day and return home after a two-hour firefight.

John was the eldest of three sons — all of them Marines —He enlisted in the Marines two months after he turned 18 and his brothers followed his lead. Everyone knew he took great pride in his men and fully understood what his job was as a Marine.

He attended the University of Colorado while serving and became an officer, serving as the commanding officer of Charlie Company on the day he died.

He is survived by wife, Marilyn, son Nathaniel and daughter, McKenna.